Friday, July 11, 2008

So gay...

I've been planning to attend a conference in Copenhagen since last year's conference in Vienna (it's an event in different cities in  europe every year). I schedule one week of vacation to go there this august. It turns out to be the same week as the Pride events in Copenhagen. How lucky can one get?

My ex just said: "You're so gay that without knowing you plan stuff around gay events".

Which makes me wonder: is there such a thing as being too much gay?

*just happy to be attending yet another gay pride*

Oh, btw, the conference is called YAPC - Yet Another Perl Conference *grin*

1 comment:

Firebolt said...

Hah! You're a lucky one. It isn't the same with me, though. I couldn't attend any Pride events because I school away from my city, which is one of only four cities in India to hold Pride events. Then again, what would I have told my parents? I wouldn't have wanted them to find out.